
City Council Response to the Mayor’s FY25 Preliminary Budget

Categories: New York City

City Council Response to the Mayor’s FY25 Preliminary Budget image


On April 1st, 2024 the City Council released its response to the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Mayor’s Management Plan (the Response).  Overall, the Response built upon the Council's contention that the Administration has overestimated costs and underestimated revenues.  The Council asserts that there is an additional $6.15 billion available for Fiscal 2025 in a combination of additional revenue and potential underspending. The Response puts forth a series of proposals for this previously unidentified funding.

We are encouraged to see the Council response identify areas of expansion for supportive housing, including:

The Network will be working with the Council on these recommendations to better understand their calculations.

The Response effectively serves as a starting point to the Council’s negotiations with the Mayor as they work towards the Adoption of the Fiscal 2025 budget.  It is very encouraging to be mentioned this prominently in the Response but it is not a guarantee of funding in the final Adopted Budget.  Continued advocacy to build on this momentum is necessary to turn these proposals into budgetary reality.

See the full response HERE.

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